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Stacey Berg

Staying Productive while Staying at Home!

Things are definitely tough right now. Between distance learning at home with our kids and worrying about family and friends, it’s hard to focus on our business (and step away from the baked goods) … but that’s important too! And while the struggle for new business and sales is very real, we are trying to think of some positive things we can do for our business while we wait for things to return to normal.

Here are a few activities you can do for your small business while at home...

1. CHECK IN ON GOALS. We always think it is a good idea to check in on goals and stretch or adjust them as necessary. Now is a perfect time for this. If you won’t make your goals this quarter, what are some adjustments you should make overall? Are there some non-sales goals you can work on now to help your business when the market rebounds? Maybe consider new training as many educators are offering free and reduced classes!

2. ASSESS YOUR BRANDING. Take a look at your branding and make sure it is all consistent, fresh, and on-message. Is your logo still representing you in the right way? Check your customer touchpoints (website, business cards, and social media) and see that they all have a consistent look and feel. What could you improve?

3. UPDATE YOUR WEBSITE. Search engines love fresh/updated content on your website. Now is a good time to add new testimonials, add links to internal pages or external sites, pen a blog post you have been putting off, or make some copy updates.

4. WORK ON YOUR TAXES. Yup, this one is on our list for certain. While tax filing deadlines have been moved back, you want to be able to jump back in to business when you can, so get those taxes finished now! It’s never fun, but such a relief when you’re finished.

5. CREATE NEW PRODUCT. If you have the supplies, build your inventory so you’re ready to go when business returns. Now is also a great time for consignment work, if you’ve had some specific requests you never had time to accomplish.

6. REACH OUT TO YOUR NETWORK.Everyone is struggling right now; emotionally, physically, or financially. Take a few minutes to check in on your network of business suppliers and clients. If you can help them with new business, that’s great. If you can’t, an encouraging word and supportive note goes a long way.

While quarantining can be isolating, it is comforting to know we are all in this together. What at-home projects are you working on? We’d love to hear your ideas!


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